Board of Directors Approved 10/05/06
September 6, 2006

Present: Young, Williams, Sullivan, Curtola, Hotaling, Fisher, Machado, Hakenen, Moelk, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: King, Passalacqua
Guest: Bill Fell

The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.

North East Bay Association of Country Clubs (NEB)
Bill Fell distributed a statistical report on the NEB. This report gives each club a comparison on dues, fees and minimums. Each club is unique and must take variables into consideration when comparing. The NEB meets quarterly to discuss topics relating to country clubs.

Minutes of August 3, 2006
Sullivan motioned to approve, Hakenen seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report - Accepted

Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Members: CC & Amber Sabathia, Dolly Coleman, Mark Choi, Jamie & Nancy Smith. Machado motioned to approved, Sullivan seconded. The motion carried. The Board took note of four Notice To Sell forms and five Notices to reduce asking prices.
The Board discussed the concept of buying back memberships at $15,000. The Board then referred the idea to the Membership Committee for recommendation.

Committee Reports
Committee reports were received, discussed and accepted with any action.

Green: The SID pipeline on Green Valley Road is near completion. The #17 green is anticipated to open mid to late September 2006.
Golf: The Board discussed slow play on the golf course, especially during holidays. The Board requested the golf committee to draft language to use on slow play.
House: The committee is obtaining bids to replace chairs in the main lounge and is hopeful that the Board will approve funds for the purchase prior to the holidays.

Social Class of Membership
Social Membership Opinion Poll Results: YES 178 / NO 108
Williams motioned to approve a Social class of membership, Hakenen seconded. The motion carried, one opposed.
William submitted a draft of Social member guidelines to add to the House Rules.
Williams motioned that the initiation fee to be $3,000, Hakenen seconded. After discussion, the motion failed.
Sullivan motioned that the initiation fee to be $3,500, Judge Moelk seconded. The motion carried.
Sullivan motion that Proprietary and Social members will have equal priority on all reservations. Hotaling seconded, the motion carried.
After further discussion, Sullivan motioned that a Social member can within the first three years apply their full initiation fee towards the purchase a Proprietary membership. After three years, no credit will be given toward the purchase of a Proprietary membership. Williams seconded, the motion carried.
Judge Moelk will adjust the Social member guidelines presented to reflect the decisions made at this meeting. Directors are to email Judge Moelk should there be any further comments to the guidelines.

Old & New Business
Why Private Status Matters: Machado is concerned with the non member use of our tennis and swimming facilities and it effects on our tax exempt status. Young read a portion of the Club's by-laws which allows some non member use of the Club facilities with Board authorization, keeping GVCC compliant with our tax exempt status.
Machado motioned to limit the Tennis facility to members only and increase the Tennis Professional's salary. The motion failed for lack of a second.
- King sent a letter to the Board of Directors complimenting GVCC's staff on the Ladies Invitational.
- GVCC member, Mrs. Susan Rowe is assisting with a fundraising event for The Friends of the Cordelia Fire District, scheduled for November 10, 2006. She is requesting a foursome of golf including carts to be used as a raffle item. Hakenen motioned to approve, Williams seconded. The motion carried.

Nominating Committee
The candidates nominated to run for the 2007 Board of Directors are:
John Angen
Tim Martin
Walter Tauber
Wanda Tharp

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
The Honorable James F. Moelk, (ret.)